Knights of the Old Republic will be a timed exclusive for the PlayStation 5.

After much wishing and hopeful thinking (but few real expectations), Sony dropped a major surprise at its showcase yesterday. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic will receive a complete remake 20 years after its original release. There isn’t a set release date yet, but it might not be until 2023. July 15, maybe, to mark the 20th anniversary of the game?
Sony didn’t provide a lot of detail on what the game will be like, but our hope is that it keeps to the style of the original KOTOR. It would be amazing to see it released sooner than 2023, but a game with as much love and nostalgia behind it as this one needs to be treated with respect. Aspyr has done a great job in the past, so I hope they’ll continue to do the same here.
Patrick is a long-time gamer and diehard fan of the classics: Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo, etc. He collects SNES games and once dove into a dumpster for a copy of Earthbound.